Tracking advertising efficiency in calls Call tracking

Call conversion reports
Conversion of returning users
Current data

Call tracking

Is an interactive analytics system that allows tracking the source of each call received by your office.
Measuring advertising call conversion is similar to measuring online conversations (requests via website, order form, email, etc.). Call tracking technology enriches your web analytics systems with call data.
This will be especially effective if you need:
Calculation of the efficiency of advertising channels (ROI) not only by applications, but also by calls.
Monitoring the work of Call Center and Sales Department (analysis of conversation recordings, control of the calls missed by employees, and PBX errors).
Measuring the cost of attracting customers from any advertising sources.
Optimization of the marketing budget in favor of more effective advertising sources.
  • It tracks all calls and even deferred demand
  • Quick installation on your website (approximately 10 minutes)
  • Reduction of data analysis time
  • Ability to configure various reports
  • No industry adaptation needed
  • Call statistics for each source